Patty Kimbrell, M. Ed.
Physical Activity
Consultant ● Trainer ● Author
"I am Moving. I am Learning."
Patty provides an overview of the strategies employed to empower Head Start Staff (director, teachers, assistant teachers), parents, fatherhood initiative staff, and the child care community in a proactive approach to increase early preferences in children that include physical activity and healthful nutrition. Learn first-hand from Patty, who has been a national trainer since the regional roll-out for the Office of Head Start, on the national initiative entitled, "I Am Moving. I Am Learning." addressing childhood obesity in all children.
Movement Vocabulary
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)
Brain-based Learning
"Active Learning"
Engage young children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old, using age-appropriate movement activities that support learning foundations across the curriculum.
Spatial and Body Awareness
Locomotor & Non-Locomotor activities for young children
Object Control Skills
Limited Space Strategies
Creative Budgeting
School Readiness
"Leaps and Bounds"
Using creative physical activity programs and fun activities with a wide variety of props to take elementary school age children to the next level, while continuing to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Classroom management techniques
Skill development for all grades
Lead-up games and modified sports
Increase MVPA during PE and in the classroom
"After-School Stay and Play"
Physical Activity
Enhance your after-school program with quick and fun activities to engage children of all ages. Encourage activities that are active, health-related, and easy for youth leaders to lead. Activities are designed to keep children engaged and physically active while continuing to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Instant Activities
Age-appropriate activities
Games that are FUN and promote fitness
Management techniques for maximum participation
Family Involvement
Parent, family, and community engagement is the anchor that supports the successful development of a young child. Experience physical activity ideas for families that promote school readiness strategies. Resource materials are also available in Spanish.
Shape, Letter, and Sound Recognition
Prediction and comparison
Positive Social Skills
Healthy Lifestyle
WIC and Community Health Professionals
Training sessions include physical activity strategies and nutrition integration that address the epidemic of childhood overweight and obesity issues in our communities.
Fit WIC: Active Play for Families
References can be furnished upon request
Patty’s passion is teaching. She loves to engage audiences as she “disguises learning in fun activities!” She is qualified to train educators, staff, parents, and child care providers, and is available to present her keynote address or workshops at your facility or any conference nationwide. Patty's presentations are dynamic, interactive, and hands-on! Her enthusiasm will get everyone up and moving until their heart says, “Thank you, thank you!”

Birth to 3
"Active Learning"
A framework for birth to 3 caregivers and educators to support assisted and independent play throughout the day. Learn and participate in developmentally appropriate practices that improve socio-emotional development, cognitive skills, and language development.
Early Childhood
"Move, Engage, Grow, and Show"
Addressing early childhood physical and socio-emotional development with an eye on confidence building, self-control, expressing feelings, and building empathy. Help children develop a broader range of skills and learn new behaviors by discovering the reasons behind their actions. Implement activities and interventions for challenging behaviors at an early age.